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Pre-School Learning Alliance


Diploma in Playgroup Practice Level 3 with Distinction

NVQ Consortium, Somerset BTEC


NVQ Assessors Award Level 3 D32 & D33  with Distinction

Current DBS


I am a mother of 5, mostly now grown up. 

My eldest son died in 2016 shortly before his 25th birthday. 

1994 -1996

Nursery Manager. 
I managed and ran a day nursery of 30 children aged 3-8.  


Strode College 

NVQ Assesor and Lecturer in Childcare and Education. 

Teaching and Assessing NVQ's and BTEC courses in Childcare and Education. 


Education Otherwise Teacher

GLOW .( Glastonbury Learning Otherwise)
My main duties were to create a  weekly program of educational enrichment activities for children aged 4-16  educated at home for a variety of reasons including children on the autistic spectrum. 


Festival Co-ordinator Children's Area

Overseeing organizing and providing  a safe place for children to play whilst at festivals  providing classes and activities for children whilst at festivals.  

2010- 2021

Self Employed Teacher/ Healer 

Providing healing sessions for adults and children and teaching both adult and children's classes in meditation and spiritual development.


Charity Manager (The Heart Centre)

I ran the daily operations of the charity liaising with multiple agencies to enable support for adults and children needing assistance for all aspects of well being and recovery. Including domestic abuse, child protection issues and general family support. 
I ran young carers groups supporting children that were caring for siblings or adults, education otherwise groups for home educated children and the local youth club for children aged 8-16. 


During this time I have focused a lot on incarnating souls and the next generation something that is dear to my heart. 

I have worked with many women with fertility issues and assisted them with becoming pregnant and throughout their pregnancy and birthing.
creating ceremonies, clearings and connections during pregnancy to assist with communication between mother and child whilst in-vetro and beyond .

I have helped women find resolution with miscarriage and terminations something that has more impacts on both men and women than we realize. 

I have assisted in some of the most beautiful sacred births. 

I have assisted many children with past life impacts,birth trauma and ongoing support throughout their childhood and adolescence. 

I am currently a member of Friends of The Natural Approach assisting children and adults through the use of Equine Assisted Therapy. 


Our first meeting and spiritual contact with Karleen Tammik began following our summer holiday in Devon. I had previously noticed a drastic change in my son Presley's behavior (aged 4 at the time). He suddenly wanted to wear dresses, jewellery and become a woman! Completely out of the blue!
At the very same time had become fascinated with visiting a burned down property near a park we used to visit and became obsessed with fire damaged houses and buildings.

I didn't understand the reason for these sudden drastic changes in my 4 year old child.

In August we traveled to Devon and came across "The Heart Centre", a Spiritual healing shop in Combe Martin. We met Kali and she immediately noticed something going on with my son and had asked if I had noticed anything strange.  I told her of the recent change in my son and Kali suggested doing some healing.
As an intuitive myself I sensed a shift of energy in the room, I felt a doorway open and saw a figure of a woman in a Victorian style dress appear next to Presley, then she walked through the doorway!
This was an extraordinary thing to behold and I knew this Victorian woman was the reason for my son's altered thoughts and behavior, she was attached to my son when he was triggered by the sight of a fire damaged building. 
I started crying tears of gratitude, my son reverted back to his usual self straight away, at the beach afterwards he never mentioned fires or wanting to become a woman again, he played in the sand like a normal little boy.
Presley is now 8 and has no recollection of that memory.
We continue to work with Kali as a family, she has given so much of her personal time and has never requested payment  for ongoing work with Presley who is a very intuitive special child.
Kali has a genuine want and interest to help assist with this kind of trauma, her spiritual abilities are unique and extraordinary.
Rachael Lee. 







































































































The Heart Centre

Combe Martin

Project Manager

































Self Employed

Soul Freedom Therapist















I managed and ran the Centre on a daily basis, I handled referrals for counselling, therapies and support in the community and liaised with outside agencies to enable access to help whenever it was needed.

I recruited, managed & complete all training of volunteer's in the centre.

I over saw administration, client databases and record keeping including accounts. I over saw the day to day running of the linked Whole Food store. I was responsible for replenishing & ordering stock, cash handling, health & safety and customer services.




Therapist & Creator of my own healing system looking at epi-gentic patterns of inheritance & past life trauma that is still affecting individuals without their knowledge. Assisting clients & students to become more aware of what has been passed on to them & helping them to address the origins of the wounds we all carry.


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