How I Can Help You
When I speak of healing or clearing what do I mean?
I do not use these terms in the same way as many others in the 'spiritual community'
To me at your core/essence you are perfect.
There is nothing wrong with you and nothing that needs to be 'healed'.
What does need attention are all the patterns,programs,false beliefs,
life overlays trauma,and others dialogue or opinions...
Everything that takes you away from being YOU.
I call these Blocks because they are blocking You from accepting your own divinity
And Being Your Unique Self.
These are the blocks in your life that I can help you to transform, taking you from
symptom management to living a more harmonious, soul directed life.
Between Life trauma
Between this life and your last incarnation trauma of having to re-incarnate through the false light re-incarnation grids with not ideal conditions and soul contracts hard to complete, can cause the soul to encounter death wishes and ‘not again’ syndrome as the lights come on as to what has been occurring unseen whilst in physical form. Removing the impacts of re-incarnating against one’s soul’s free will choice can enable the soul to be at peace with the choices made now, without the feelings of I did not choose this, I do not want to be here, or wanting to escape through addiction, meditation, debauchery or piety. Much can be done here if we anchor our energy fully on to the planet; and you dear souls are now part of the collective waking up to assist.
In Womb Trauma
Before our life even begins we can pick up trauma through the conditions in our mother’s womb. If our mother is facing stressful situations in her life we carry the trauma of what is heard and felt with us programming our heart and organ development, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems with the conditions of the environment we are about to be born into. These in-vitro patterns develop alongside our growth layering themselves into our physical bodies at an atomic and then cellular level. Through the use of psychic surgery, these patterns of trauma can be removed releasing you from the stresses you did not know you were born with. Birth TraumaAs we as a race moved away from natural birthing practices through, hospital birthing, C-sections, examinations and intervention, cord cutting, bum slapping, injections, tests and the environmental conditions we are pushing our way into have all caused some level of trauma, the depth of impacts from unnatural birthing practices can stay with us from birth to the grave hidden in our unknowingness that they were ever a problem. Through re-living the process of birth and re-birthing these patterns can be released so they are no longer affecting us.
Life Trauma
Throughout our lives we pick up trauma through experience, lack of love, abusive parenting, child sexual abuse, sibling rivalry, friendship loss and bullying from our peers, relationship issues with our partners and loved ones, accidents and fall, dis-eases, self- judgement, shame, blame, guilt, regret, loss and death. Our life can create patterns of trauma that we do not know how to deal with at the time so push it into any nook and cranny we can find to avoid the pain caused to ourselves and others, programming our beliefs and outlook on life. Releasing the emotion and confronting the fear head on allows us to release the impacts and set ourselves free of our past creations opening up the future to greater possibilities.
Soul Shards
When we experience shock or extensive trauma our soul shatters and we push an aspect of our consciousness out into the environment. P.T.S.D, anxiety, depression, narcissism and a whole plethora of conditions can occur as a result. These can be left in the spaces of the past or carried with us as dis-associations from our original state of being. Soul shards can be left through millennia walking the planet in the state that we left them until we retrieve them from the trauma suffered and re-embody them now. Recovering soul shards will enable you to feel more energy as you are less shattered and fragmented as a being.
Past/ Alter Lives
Past life trauma or past deaths where we have left issues unresolved can overlay our experiences now causing us to repeat the patterns in unawareness, until resolution is found. Releasing veils of perception and past life overlays will enable the trauma of lives long forgotten to be re-membered, the wisdom and gifts being embodied into your current life.
Patterns and Programs
Social conditioning, religious ideology, beliefs, co-dependency, mind sets and patterns of behaviour can also cause trauma to the soul currently living. The should haves, should be judgments of self and others can cause disturbance in our life force as we try to squeeze ourselves and others into expectations that do not fit with who we truly are. Releasing ourselves from the judgements and our own self-created demons of lack, not ‘good’ enough, not worthy, isolation, black sheep and do not fit in programs, co-dependent and toxic relationships. We are free to accept ourselves for who we are and the gifts we have in our uniqueness, without expectations of others to fill the gaps.
Epigenetics and Inherited Karma
Epi-genetic patterns of trauma and ancestral karma are now shown by science to be passed on through 7-14 generations, not all of our experiences are our own and we carry them forward as we try to resolve issues that did not start with us. I see epigenetic patterns as overlays held as templates of stuck energy that is replicated along-side the DNA each time cell division takes place. Removing the templates from their source within our bloodline lineage releases us from the Karma of previous generations that has nothing to do with us. Freeing ourselves from Ancestral patterning and karmic resolution, we do not pass forward the unhealed issues of the past into the generations to come.
Vows can be taken on a daily basis through the language we use I will Always, Never, Forever, Eternally are all ways in which we can vow to do or not to do something. Vows can be in place through lifetimes as the spell of Never and Always replay through our current lives. Vows of Poverty, Vows of religious orders, Vows of celibacy, Vows of Silence, Vows of Secrecy, Vows of Marriage, I will Always find you, Love you, I will return, the list goes on and the impacts on the current life are extensive. Taking Vows can be a terrible burden to carry and is highlighted in the Sanskrit ancient Indian epic Mahabharata
"Once stated a vow becomes the truth & must be fulfilled, no matter what else may happen"
Removing , revoking and relinquishing the vows allows us to move forward with our lives unhindered from past creations and past selves, opening the way for new experiences and a life more suited to our current circumstances.
Promises and Agreements
In the same way as vows promises and agreements come through the words I promise, I agree, I will and Yes. These promises and agreements can also last lifetimes and we carry them forward with us until they are resolved.
Oaths, Pacts and Allegiances
Oaths, Pacts and Allegiances are something that we swear into being, I swear I / we will, I give you my Oath, I pledge, I swear my allegiance to you, the crown, the king, queen, brotherhood, or tribe . These pacts Oaths and Allegiances can last lifetimes and can cause issue when we re-meet those from our previous lives where the Oaths of the past no longer hold true for the current life, but the expectation to uphold them are withstanding. These can be resolved and removed from your energy field so that you are no longer under the expectations of the past.
Curses, Spells and Wishes
Curses can come in as self- judgement and mind speak towards ourselves or those we project at others vengeful words that are used to create harm. They can be passed on through our blood lineage as those of the past have cursed the sons or daughters of those who feel harmed. Spells of entanglement, love, jealousy, lack, abilities that are not our own through, through ritual and intent or through the language we use can leave us open to casting spells on ourselves or others that are still there until dissolved. Wishes for others or against others are another layer of intent that we can project as an energy into and around our external environment. Wishing someone well or ill has an energetic impact as we lose energy to maintain the ‘Wish’. With many out loud statements they can be carried through time and space to hit their target whether we are aware of them or not. Releasing ourselves and others from Curses, Spells and Wishes brings us back to a clearer point of creation where we are free to create better outcomes for ourselves.
Death Wishes
Death wishes can come from episodes of depression, and self- created suicide demons where we wish we were no longer here or can come from others wishing our premature demise. Death Wishes set up a forward projection into our timeline, that creates a false exit point that we may be unaware of until we run into it. We can have many death wishes from previous selves and they can cause us to have near death encounters or narrow escapes, taking us to the brink if not removed, they can also create an actual out if we so chose. The trauma caused by living through an exit point can also create issue as the belief that we should no longer be here can take some time to re-integrate back into as an option we felt had been removed. Removing suicide demons and any timeline death wishes frees us from the past modes of operation allowing us to become more harmonious with the life we are living, without what may seem an irrational sense of impending doom.
Those souls that have not had resolution at death still walk in the unseen realms as lost souls. They can affect the lives of those living now, as spectres and ghosts attaching to you through trauma they would like you to resolve for them. There is generally sympathetic resonance to the trauma you carry and their own or they can see a way out of the pain they have through your compassion. There are also those that get off on creating disturbances in the lives of the living as they did in life, angry and hurt that they did not get chance to resolve their issues. Resolving their issues and removing them from your energy field so they may pass on alleviates the need for you to resolve their karma by living through it for them.
Astral Entities
when we create an avoidance of something we create a Void, whole or space within our energy field that allows astral entities to come in and attach to our mental, emotional and physical bodies these parasites feed of our energy field and the heightened emotional states that they put us through. Much like vampire bats they numb where they are to remain hidden from our consciousness to enable the feeding to continue by putting you into extreme emotions. Dealing with the emotion or mental state that enabled them to attach to you in the first place and repairing the voids in the unseen spiritual bodies, etheric, astral, emotional and mental allows your energetic to reset and the bodies to communicate with each other in harmony. What is termed as perfect nesting or phase conjugation as one layer is clearly speaking to the next, enabling a sense of wholeness.
Demonic Possession
Self -created demons come from those aspects of self that we have denied and fed over long periods of time, through denial of self, not allowing ourselves to be who we are in every moment and the cognitive dissonance created. Shades and Demons can also be created by the collective, wizards and magicians as they knowingly separate an aspect of their consciousness to create these. They can take over the hordes that come under their control making peace with and being able to return them to the love within themselves is no mean feat, but there is redemption It is not all one way however and Many have been held against their will and are stuck here by humans who demand they do their bidding.
Implants and Devices
Through the NAA ( Negative Alien Agenda’s) etheric implants, devices and robotics can be seen to be disrupting the energy fields of many. Removal of not only the devices but the soul contracts and agreements that keep them in place allows for resolution for all, whether agreed to willingly or through tacit consent. Freeing you up from alien interference that may have been keeping you locked down in your souls evolution, brings you back to your natural soul choices and the evolution path you have set for yourself.
Alien Abduction
Through the DNA commodities market many of those who have been subject to alien abduction have been placed on breeding programs or used as harvesting systems for technological skin suit enhancements for alien races. Many of our star brothers and sisters are here in assistance of the processes unfolding on Earth and have been our teachers of those things yet to come. but as with humanity there are good and bad and many view earth as the prize, being a seeding planet they are using that as a way of impacting the life forms here and abroad to expand their own race dynamics without consent from our own.
Targeted individuals are those isolated and tortured by often unseen and spiritual means. Anyone suffering from targeting you will know or feel you are but may not know why you are being specifically targeted. If you feel or know you are being targeted get in touch as there can be many layers to untangle, you will be given protocols and working practices designed specifically for you for you to work with in between sessions, please be prepared that you may need quite a few sessions to get clear and there is a reduced rate T.I’s to assist you. I can however only assist you to the level that you are willing to continue to do the work on yourself.